Thursday, November 10, 2011

Celebrate the Season

On Monday I started a quick program of physical therapy to take all the twists and pains out of my legs and get me ready for cross-country skiing and snow-shoeing.  The office next to the therapist's office was under construction, and Christmas music was wafting over.  Kevin Gretsky, the therapist, and the rest of his clients, including me, were growling.  We had hardly had Halloween, and here it comes again!  Too soon!  Kevin asked the workers to tone it down, and they did, not without some good-natured kidding. 

On Wednesday when I went back it was blessedly silent.  Since it was generally the same group, Kevin told us that someone who lived a ways away had received a flyer from Nordstrom's ( stating that they "would NOT be decking their stores' halls until November 27th."  The flyer then wished everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving.  Hooray!  Vindication!

Despite my in-laws absolute joy over Christmas, so much so that Christmas is almost a year-round event, and despite the fact that they have brought Hobby House Toys to Skaneateles so we can share their joy, I think it should be one season at a time.  The altercation this week made me realize that I should practice what I preach and instead of grumbling at November, enjoy it.

I do love the colors, and have already donned my fall apron (purchased last year at Bittersweet Cottage) and made a pumpkin pie and pumpkin muffins, as well as an apple and apple/cranberry pie.  We have pumpkin candles everywhere, and an orange light at the road plus strings of orange and purple lights on the porch.  Some day I will break down and make squash soup, just for the color.  Before my brokers' open at 3244 East Lake I went to the Skaneateles Bakery for some black bean and pumpkin soup - wonderful and filling! 

The weather cooperated beautifully, too.  I walked Boo up into the fields in the 60/70 degree temperatures we had.  I wrap a day-glo orange sweatchirt around my waist, and Boo wears his orange vest.  Last night while I waited for my salmon at Doug's I walked out onto the pier.  The moon was up and almost full, the waves crashed in the wind.  The flags across from the Sherwood Inn were blown horizontal, but are so firmly planted they will last in memory of the Veterans. 

After dinner (Bob had vegetarian black bean nachos from Bluewater) we went out for a walk in the moonlight, back up the trails to the fields.  The wind lessened in the woods, but it howled as we got to the hill.  And there the moon showed the hills and valleys, the woods beyond, as if it were daylight.  We walked back thoughtfully, kicking leaves as we went.

So this is the season to celebrate and not rush through.  At the Big M today I couldn't help but notice that their slide show on the cash registers showed the harvest and late fall scenes, in all their rich colors.  Kevin said his son doesn't know what a cornucopia is, and I can imagine that the Thanksgiving songs I grew up singing are almost lost.  Maybe not.  But even when the temperature drops, and the eventual rains and snows come in, it is still a season to celebrate.  Life is too short not to enjoy every minute.

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